Electronic Project Control and Archive Information System EPCAS
What is EPCAS?
It is a highly sustainable and traceable application project that works independently of space and working hours, where internet, e-signature, process management and digital archive technologies are used together
and these technologies are utilized at different stages.
With EPCAS ;
• Firms/citizens requesting a building permit sign their projects digitally with e-signature and upload them to the Municipality process management application over the web,
• Informed by SMS/e-mail in process steps,
• Applicants and authors can follow the application stages on the web page,
• Control and approval is done by municipal architects/engineers in digital environment with e-signature,
• Final approved e-signed/time stamped project files are saved in a digital archive without scanning.
EPCAS Operation
• Only the first application for the Building Permit and its derivatives is made at the municipal service desks,
• The applicant also states in his application the identity and contact information of himself and the responsible persons (author). Project file is not requested during application,
• The next process continues through the e-municipality and process management system,
• According to the defined process, license applications are directly assigned to the architect/engineer who worked in the relevant island parcel, depending on the m2 of the project and automation types
such as sequentially. Equal workload distribution is ensured and a transparent working environment is created,
• Offices examining the license project can act as a group in the process system if desired (the project rejected by anyone can be closed in all offices, as if the project approved by all offices is
transferred to the license office.)
• Project supervisors are technical personnel/firms responsible for part or all of the project, such as “construction-mechanical-electrical engineers, architect, Fenni Responsible, Building Audit”, and can
sign their projects with e-signatures by logging into the e-Municipality application with their user name and password, can upload files,
• As the project manager in the municipality, the personnel who examine the project are instantly informed about the process changes in the project part they are responsible for, via SMS/e-mail. In this
way, communication problems that may arise between the contractor, the building supervisor and the responsible architect/engineer have been prevented,
• At the end of the process, after the building permit is issued and approved by the control units, the original e-signed project file with legal validity is saved in the digital archive without the need
for scanning.
Benefits to the Organization
EPCAS is designed to create "a transparent, efficient and simple institutional structure that can be easily accessed by anyone, anytime, anywhere" as defined in the Circular No. 16 issued by the Prime
Ministry in 2008.
• Reducing the workload of authors and applicants applying to the municipality,
• Providing more transparent, faster and more reliable municipal services,
• Increasing the productivity of the personnel,
• Improving business processes,
• Preventing the need and waste of space allocated for physical archiving,
• Reducing paper waste by reducing the need for output,
• It is a project that accelerates the e-transformation process in municipalities by making use of digital technologies.